Vicky's Progress

Kelly's Progress

Kathleen's Progress

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

On my way?

Okay..I weighed myself for the first time today, in like 3 months? Maybe is hasn't been that long. I lost a pound! Well...i don't really know if I should count. I guess we'll see next Tuesday! I guess since Vicky has Weigh-in Wednesday's, I'll need to come up with a Tuesday name. I would probably weigh myself more if I had a scale. At my house we have this really old scale that you slide the little bar to find your weight. That thing doesn't work! Any who...keep up the good work ladies and maybe this time next year we can ALL go shopping for bikini's. OK..I'll stick with a one piece, wouldn't want to make anyone jealous!

1 comment:

Vicky said...

LOL YOU ARE HILARIOUS!! 1 POUND is AWESOME! I am so proud of you, you are on your way! You are more than welcome to join me for weigh- in wednesdays!