Vicky's Progress

Kelly's Progress

Kathleen's Progress

Thursday, March 20, 2008

No, I didn't walk...

That is my confession. I didn't make my goal of increasing my activity unless you want to count me pacing up and down the house while we had storms and tornado warnings going on last Saturday. I have increased my H2O, decreased my soda intake, and avoided that forbidden thing called a scale. I don't like to weigh myself but a couple times a month. I am bloated, cranky, and the smart ones out there know why I refuse to weigh myself right now! I will honestly try to walk this least once.


Jenny said...

More water makes a big difference! Maybe it will get warmer soon and you'll be able to get some walking in. Are you all coming to the Easter egg hunt Saturday? See you tomorrow!

Vicky said...

Didn't know about the Easter egg hunt, so I am not sure. Let me know the details.

Beth said...

Baby steps lead to more permanent changes :-) If you try to change everything at once it won't work. Increasing water and decreasing sodas are a good start :-) For anyone interested, I've started my own little weight loss blog...kind of for myself but comments are always welcomed...Jenny, I don't have it listed on my main blog or from my profile b/c I don't want everyone that reads my blog to share in my thoughts :-) I also kind of named my blog with the name of this one in mind....hope you guys don't mind!