Vicky's Progress

Kelly's Progress

Kathleen's Progress

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Weigh In Wednesday!!

I am exactly the same as what I was last week....I think my scale likes to play dirty tricks on me......then again I haven't committed weight loss whole-heartedly again. I did get my wellness check up at work. I get blood work done tomorrow for work and also for my nephrologist. The vampires and I are getting VERY close! I also get $100.00 for meeting goals in the wellness I don't smoke, great cholesterol and BP, and I got the flue shot last winter. I thought I fell short on the 10% weight loss that they set for me last year.....but they knew I was on steroids and in essence I lost more than 10% because I gained nearly 20 or so pounds from those nasty little boogers that taste like rat poison. (prednisone)

I am joining the hospital's lifechoice gym by September and look forward to meeting with the wellness coach to design a program for me. I need something that works with my schedule...and helps me become healthier for the kidney transplant. I know after the transplant I will be on autoimmune suppressant drugs and steriods. I am not looking forward to this part. Many are weight gaining. BUT....this gives me even more incentive to continue to have a more healthy lifestyle change.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm so excited about is joining the gym! Hopefully I'll be able to go sometime this week and get my wellness thing done. We can be sweaty fit babes together!