Vicky's Progress

Kelly's Progress

Kathleen's Progress

Friday, October 17, 2008

Not so wonderful, but I'll post anyway

Okay, Kelly, I'll post!!! Geez.

The thing is, I don't have much to say. I am not doing so great with either eating or exercising. There are just too many good foods out there! And besides, I'm kind of lazy.

One thing--Jordan, Suzi and I did go for a walk two days in a row this week. It was actually fun. We put Suzi in the stroller and took turns pushing her while we walked around the neighborhood for 20 minutes or so. We tried to walk briskly (Jordan does anyway), and it gave us a chance to just talk. There was no TV to distract us and we got some fresh air. I think we are going to try and make this a habit, at least 4-5 times a week, and work up to walking for longer and longer and eventually start running. Ha! It's been years since I've run anywhere. Well--except across the parking lot when I'm late for work.

Jordan has been talking about wanting to get in shape, so maybe if he gets motivated it'll rub off on me.

How is everyone else doing? Come on... tell us.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you for posting! I'm glad you and Jordan are walking with Suzi. Keep it up!